Building is like a marriage between home owners and the builder. So after a year of almost constant communication you develop a really strong bond with folks and get to know them really well. There’s always this sad moment when at the tail end of a job, you thank them and hug goodbye. It’s awkward for them, but it’s also awkward for us because we grow really close to a lot of our clients and have been through so much together. So yesterday, we get an invite for almost our entire office from this awesome family who we just turned the keys over to recently, The Pearsons. They wanted to cook burgers for us as a token of their appreciation. We formed a big circle around the island and held hands and prayed for our meal which was awesome, but my favorite part was when Mr. Pearson gave a pre-meal speech that came from the heart and thanked us once again for an awesome experience. That just hammers home the fact that it really doesn’t matter what the home looks like, it’s more about the people that occupy it and the memories made there. I love going back to homes, now occupied because you get to witness the family enjoying the home and the essence of why we do what we do. Go forth, and enjoy your home today. Make memories, laugh, eat and invite a few friends over. That’s what it’s there for.