The Post-Build Invite from Home Owners
Custom home building is like a marriage between the home owners and the builder...
The Night Before
This is a special time when as a custom home builder we get to appreciate our work: the night before when it's quiet, clean, the noise and dust has settled...
From Concept to Completion- Building a Gate
My theory of home building is "one and done" meaning we'll never do this again, and each time we come up with a concept for a family it is unique and meaningful to them...
Giving Back- Interns
I met Jake a couple of years ago at a UTSA internship seminar and he stood out amongst the 200 other kids that I met...
Evaluating a builder- It’s 5 o’clock somewhere
To be a good custom home builder there are so many things that are important, but what I find invaluable is a sympathetic ear to listen and problem-solve so that my homeowners can sleep at night...
This is Where it Starts
One of the first key elements of custom home building at Mattern & FitzGerald is assisting people in figuring out the best way to physically place a house on the lot...
Even the Little Things Matter
When you think in terms of how to build a project, there is a build within a build. It's called site preparation...
Specifications for Custom Building
When building a custom home, there are three things normally required prior to beginning...
Custom Cabinets
As a custom home builder, you are only as good as your sub contractors...
Notes and Niches
I'm always walking around with a marker and paint because it helps serve as a visual reminder to everyone of what we're trying to accomplish. I call it "dummy proofing" and in a custom home you can't do it enough...