Builder’s Blog2021-02-02T12:14:32-06:00

Music Test

At the end of every custom home project if the home owners have a sound system we crank it up and it signals to us another job winding down...

Hiring Philosophy

Jason and I see eye to eye when it comes to hiring new staff for our company.  We take it very seriously and want to make sure we get the right culture fit first and avoid the temptation to fill an empty seat no matter how badly we need to...

Creating Custom Stairs

I always tell people that I build for that your home will be the first and last time we ever build it.  Translation, let's do something special and creative that no one else has...

Notes and Niches

I'm always walking around with a marker and paint because it helps serve as a visual reminder to everyone of what we're trying to accomplish.  I call it "dummy proofing" and in a custom home you can't do it enough...

What a Great Quote

The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life...

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